Event Agenda backup

Friday 1st November 2019
Taj Lands End Mumbai

09.00 AM

Registration Opens / Business Travel Expo opens

10.00 AM

Center Stage
Welcome Address

10.30 AM

Center Stage
Keynote Address

11.00 AM

Center Stage
CXO Roundtable - Business Travel 4.0 Strategies
How are corporate leaders strategizing their business travel programs for the millennial generation. How is the expanding community of women travellers and an increasingly virtual, agile & tech enabled workforce driving change?

11.45 AM - 12.15 PM

Networking Break

12.30 PM

Education Breakout
Unlocking enterprise value with T&E automation
T&E automation solutions present multiple opportunities to deliver seamless enterprise integrations. What are some big success stories?
Strategic Meetings Management
- Hype or Reality?
Strategic meetings management is an established global phenomena. It’s seeing increasing adoption in India. Whats the relevance?

1.15 PM / 2.45 PM

General - F&B

3.00 PM


Business Travel 4.0 - Industry evolution

Business travel management is being constantly challenged by change, innovation & disruption. These challenge status quo and offer new opportunities. What are some of the biggest changes likely in our industry & how best do you prepare to leverage them?

4.00 PM


The Future of Work: The Future of Business Travel

The workspace is changing rapidly…… technology, demographics, agility, mobility and the dynamics of the workspace are being reinvented constantly. What are the expectations of the modern enterprise? How does this impact business travel - today and in the future? What are some "mantras" for success?

4.45 PM - 5.30 PM

General - F&B
Networking Break

5.30 PM

India Honors - Award Presentation

6.30 PM

Vote of Thanks

7.00 PM

General - F&B

8.30 PM

General - F&B

11.00 PM

Close of event